What's Happening in Music Class?

September 2022

1st Grade: Getting to know you games, Beat and Rhythm, Ear training and beginning solfege (do, re, mi)

2nd Grade: Getting to know you games, Beat and rhythm, rhythm patterns (quarter note and eighth notes), solfege singing and ear training (do, re, mi, so and la), and circle games.

3rd Grade: Getting to know you games, Rhythm and steady beat, quarter notes, eighth notes, and half notes. Solfege singing and ear training (do, re, mi, so and la), introduction of fa. Circle games and beat passing games.

4th Grade: Getting to know you games, Rhythm and steady beat, quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes and sixteenth notes, solfege singing (full scale, do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti, do). Canon singing and circle games.

5th Grade: Getting to know you games, Rhythm and steady beat, quarter notes, eighth notes, half notes and sixteenth notes, solfege singing (full scale, do, re, me, fa, so, la, ti, do). Canon and part singing and circle games.