Rules and Expectations in the Music Room

The music room should be a place for a creative and fun release for all students. We play many games, sing and dance, and do many activities. Students do not spend too much time sitting still! Rules and expectations are needed to make sure our class is spent making music, learning and having fun! Below is a list of my behavior rules:

Quiet Voices

Calm Bodies

Listening Ears

Raise Your Hand

Eyes on the Speaker

Participate and Have fun!

Each class is rated on 4 basic points. They are:

1 Point for entering the room quietly

1 Point for following the basic classroom rules

1 point for showing effort

1 point for lining up and leaving quietly

At the conclusion of class they are given a rating:

Whole note: Excellent

Dotted half note: Good

Half Note: Fair

Quarter note: Needs Improvement

10 whole notes earned consecutively=Music Class Party