Welcome to Elementary Music!
“Teach music and singing at school in such a way that it is not a torture but a joy for the pupil; instill a thirst for finer music in him, a thirst that will last a lifetime.”
-Zoltan Kodaly
Welcome to Mrs. Schoderbek's Music Class Web Page!
General/Vocal Music Teacher at Lincoln-Hubbard and Jefferson Schools
The music classroom at Lincoln-Hubbard and Jefferson Schools becomes a place where every aspect of musical behavior is addressed: performing, creating, listening and analyzing.
As performers, students are singing songs, playing body percussion (clapping, snapping, stamping, etc.), chanting rhymes, dancing folk dances, playing singing games and playing instruments.
As creators, they are acting out songs and stories, creating original dances, improvising melodies to a given rhythm and composing their own arrangements to songs.
As listeners, they are playing music as part of an ensemble, constantly listening to the sounds of others; they are also self-evaluating as they listen, enabling them to improve their own and the group’s performance.
As analyzers, students are describing what they hear through words, pictures, movement, solfege syllables, hand signs and music notation.